Homepage of Gourab Ray
Selected publications
The dimer model on Riemann surfaces, II: conformal invariance and scaling limit. (with Nathanael Berestycki and Benoit Laslier). Probability and Mathematical Physics. 2024.
Logarithmic variance for the height function of square-ice (With Hugo Duminil-Copin, Matan Harel, Benoit Laslier and Aran Raoufi). In Commun. Math. Phys. 2022.
Dimers and Imaginary geometry. (with Nathanael Berestycki and Benoit Laslier). Ann. Probab. 2020.
A short proof of the discontinuity of phase transition in the planar random-cluster model with q>4 (with Yinon Spinka). In Commun. Math. Phys. 2020.
Hyperbolic and parabolic unimodular random maps (with Omer Angel, Tom Hutchcroft and Asaf Nachmias). GAFA, 2018.
Unimodular hyperbolic triangulations: circle packing and random walk (with Omer Angel, Tom Hutchcroft and Asaf Nachmias). In Inventiones Mathematicae. 2015.
Classification of half planar maps (with Omer Angel) In Ann. Probab. 2013.
Full list of Publications and preprints.
Gaussian free field and related surface models
On the local convergence of integer-valued Lipschitz functions on regular trees (With Nathaniel Butler, Kesav Krishnan and Yinon Spinka). Preprint. 2024.
(1+epsilon)-moments suffice to characterise the GFF (with Nathanael Berestycki and Ellen Powell). In EJP. 2020
A short proof of the discontinuity of phase transition in the planar random-cluster model with q>4 (with Yinon Spinka). In Commun. Math. Phys. 2020.
A characterisation of the Gaussian free field (with Nathanael Berestycki and Ellen Powell). In PTRF. 2020.
Logarithmic variance for the height function of square-ice (With Hugo Duminil-Copin, Matan Harel, Benoit Laslier and Aran Raoufi). In Commun. Math. Phys. 2022.
Dimer model and scaling limits
Double dimers on planar hyperbolic graphs via circle packings. Preprint. 2024.
Uniqueness and CLT for the ground state of the disordered monomer-dimer model. (With Kesav Krishnan). Preprint. 2024.
The dimer model on Riemann surfaces, I : Temperleyan forests (with Nathanael Berestycki and Benoit Laslier), AIHPD, Combinatorics, Physics and their Interactions. 2024.
The dimer model on Riemann surfaces, II: conformal invariance and scaling limit. (with Nathanael Berestycki and Benoit Laslier). Probability and Mathematical Physics. 2024.
Quantitative Russo-Seymour-Welsh for random walk on random graphs and decorrelation of UST (with Tingzhou Yu). In J. Theoret. Prob. 2022
Dimers and Imaginary geometry. (with Nathanael Berestycki and Benoit Laslier). Ann. Probab. 2020.
Factors of iid and statistical physics
Characterizations of amenability through stochastic domination and factors of i.i.d. (with Yinon Spinka). Preprint. 2023.
Uniform even subgraphs and graphical representations of Ising as factors of i.i.d. (with Omer Angel and Yinon Spinka). In EJP. 2024.
Proper planar 3-colorings are Bernoulli. (with Yinon Spinka). In Ergod. Theory Dyn. Syst. 2021.
A tale of two balloons (with Omer Angel and Yinon Spinka). In PTRF. 2022
Finitary codings for gradient models and a new graphical representation for the six-vertex model (with Yinon Spinka). In Random Structures and Algorithms. 2021.
Random planar maps, trees and unimodular random graphs
Minimal Spanning Arborescence (with Arnab Sen). Preprint. 2024.
Forests on wired trees . (with Ben Xiao). In ALEA. 2022.
A unimodular hyperbolic souvlaki - an appendix to "A liouville hyperbolic Souvlaki" (with Gabor Pete). In EJP. 2017
Hyperbolic and parabolic unimodular random maps (with Omer Angel, Tom Hutchcroft and Asaf Nachmias). GAFA, 2018.
Classification of scaling limits of uniform infinite planar quadrangulations with a boundary. (with Erich Baur and Gregory Miermont). Ann. Probab. 2019
The half plane UIPT is recurrent. (with Omer Angel). In PTRF. 2018.
Critical exponents on Fortuin-Kasteleyn weighted planar maps (with Nathanael Berestycki and Benoit Laslier). In Commun. Math. Phys., 2017.
Unimodular hyperbolic triangulations: circle packing and random walk (with Omer Angel, Tom Hutchcroft and Asaf Nachmias). In Inventiones Mathematicae. 2015.
Random walks on stochastic hyperbolic half planar triangulations(with Omer Angel and Asaf Nachmias). In Random Structures and Algorithms. 2016.
Geometry and percolation on half planar triangulations. In Elec. J. Probab. 2014.
Large unicellular maps in high genus. In AIHP. 2014.
The local limit of unicellular maps in high genus. (with Omer Angel, Guillaume Chapuy and Nicolas Curien). In Elec. Comm. Prob. 2013
Classification of half planar maps (with Omer Angel) In Ann. Probab. 2013.
Detection problems in statistical physics
Sharp signal detection in ferromagnetic Ising models. (with Rajarshi Mukherjee and Sohom Bhattacharya). Preprint.
On Testing for Parameters in Ising Models. (with Rajarshi Mukherjee). In AIHP. 2020
Slides and videos from some talks.
Mini course at ICTS on Dimers and Imaginary geometry. Here is a talk with an overview of the topic.
Percolation today
Percolation today talk on Loop O(1) as factor of iid. Jointly with Yinon Spinka. Here is a talk by Omer Angel on the same topic at FPSAC 2022.
Talk at Northwest probability seminar on characterizing the Gaussian free field. Some slides on the same topic.
Some slides on the paper Logarithmic variance for the height function of square-ice .
Some slides on the paper A short proof of the discontinuity of phase transition in the planar random-cluster model with q>4 (slides by Yinon Spinka.)
Some slides on the paper Minimal Spanning Arborescence
Graduate Students
Tingzhou Yu (Masters candidate). 2019-21
Ben Xiao (Masters Candidate). 2020-22
Yakov Shklarov (Masters Candidate), joint with A. Quas. 2021-23.
Nathaniel Butler (Masters student). 2021-
Swarnadeep Bagchi (PhD Candidate). 2023-
Kesav Krishnan 2023-
Undergraduates mentored
Kurt MacKay (Fall 2018). Research project.
Ben MacVicar (Fall 2019). Research project.
Ben Xiao (Winter 2020). Directed studies.
Nathaniel Butler (Fall 2019). Directed studies.
Xuchen Wu. (Fall 2020). Research project.
Alexandra Deane (Summer, 2021). SURA summer research project.
Shannon Ogden (Summer 2021). Directed studies.
Gabriele Crudele (Summer 2023). SURA summer research project.
Abil Nurgaliev (Summer 2024). Summer research project.